I like to make up words. And sing them like rap songs. My rhymes aren’t the shizz, but they induce laughter and interesting stares. So, it’s all good. 🙂
So… yesterday, I took a pic of a PEONY in my yard. Every year, I say I’m going to rip that thing OUT and plant it somewhere else. Every year, it blooms and I’m struck by its layers. It’s been 12 years of this peony game. I lose every year.
For about 3 minutes in this crazy busy week, this flower… stopped me in my tracks. The layers mesmerizing. The delicacy. The color. It is PINK after all. So, I decided to share it. Make it into a Thank you card FREEBIE for today. Just for you! Here’s what the card looks like. TWO cards up on a sheet. The cards fit in a standard A-2 envelope! I’m going to give them as Teacher Thank You cards.
You can right click the file. Or download it HERE.
Here’s the dealio. Download it. Use it. Have fun. Send it to a friend. Give it to a teacher. Do what you like… But, pleeeeeezzzz don’t try to sell it as your own, or alter it in any way. Tell all your friends to come here and download it themselves. That’s cool. It’s a freebie after all and that just would be just amazingsauce if they stopped by. It’s an 8 1/2 x 11 .pdf printable. Open the file, HIT PRINT, wait for the goodness and GO! Have fun, go forth, create something fun.
Download. Go forth. BE.
Happy Friday! And, if you live on the East Coast… Try to stay dry!