Painting Whimsical Poinsettias + Watercolor FUN FIND (HINT: It’s a BOX)
Hi Friends! I’m so grateful you stopped by! Today, I’m sharing a little watercolor poinsettia paint-a-long, some “new to me” watercolor brushes AND a super fun watercolor palette (paintbox) I found at TARGET. Yep, Target!
C’mon in and enJOY!
If you’ve missed my latest watercolor floral paint-a-longs, you can find all of the watercolor painting videos HERE.
Poinsettias and a Target Run! Tons of Fun to Share!
Here’s a link to see the Handmade Modern Brand Watercolor Box I shared in the video.
This is NOT a sponsored video and this link is just for ease of finding the paint box.
Supplies Used in the Video

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