This week in my sketchbook …
So… I started off this week with cool blues, purples and greens in the Instagram feed and the color explosions just kept going. It was another week of sketchbook inspiration where I was a wee bit obsessed with all things wreathy. AND, everything I painted was feathery and light. I’m using this new dagger watercolor brush and the strokes are just so much fun to create.
It was another week of painting with Prima and using Dr. PH Martin’s Bleed Proof White which is like the UNICORN of white watercolor for me. I’ll be sharing a video next week with my take on this super cool product.
The last pic in the gallery is just little ole me fooling around with Instagram filters while I was on a call. This one is kinda my fav. It’s unicorn like. HA!
Click through for wreathy feathers, color explosions and artsy goodness.
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