100 Days of Flutters: The 100 Day Project Flip Through Week 2ish
Chatting about Crafting Your JOY, painting flutters, and week TWO of the 100 Day Project. I’ve painted 19 flutters so far! C’mon in.
100 Days of Flutters: The 100 Day Project Flip Through Week 1ish
Chatting about Crafting Your JOY, painting flutters, and my approach to The 100 Day Project this year! I’m giving it a go! C’mon in.
Watercolor and Self Care Chat: Fast and Loose Florals
Chatting about Crafting Your JOY, self care and splashing some paint around. C’mon in.
Watercolor Chat: It’s 2021. What’s Coming this Year + Feedback
I’m feeling a little rusty after taking a little break. It’s 2021 and I’m chatting about all the things I’m planning to share this year and looking forward to your feedback. C’mon in.
Art Exploration: Painting Whimsical Poinsettias in Turquoise
December’s Art Exploration is all about painting whimsical and wonky poinsettias in turqoise. Paint alongside me in this fun video tutorial. This is the last color exploration tutorial of 2020.
Online Class: Playful Poinsettias Watercolor Card Class
Playful Poinsettias Watercolor Card Class available NOW in my Craft Your Joy online classroom.
Art Exploration: Painting Wreaths and Leafery in Watercolor
November’s Art Exploration is all about painting wreaths and leafery in watercolor. Paint alongside me in this fun video tutorial. Free Download too.
Protected: Live ZOOM Replay: Painting Poinsettias in Watercolor
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Art Exploration: Painting Brushstroke Pumpkins in Watercolor
October’s Art Exploration is all about painting brushstroke pumpkins in PINK watercolor. Paint alongside me in this fun video tutorial. Free Download too.
Art Exploration: Painting Whimsical Feathers in Watercolor
September’s Art Exploration is all about painting whimsical feathers in SAPPHIRE BLUE watercolor. Paint alongside me in this fun video tutorial. Free Download too.