Painting Whimsical Poinsettias + Watercolor FUN FIND (HINT: It’s a BOX)
Today, I’m sharing a little watercolor poinsettia paint-a-long, some “new to me” watercolor brushes AND a super fun watercolor palette (paintbox) I found at TARGET. Yep, Target! I get a little excited about this watercolor fun find!
Painting Laurel Wreaths with Dr. PH Martin’s Hydrus Watercolors
Today, I’m sharing a little paint-a-long and talking a bit about Dr. Ph Martins Hydrus Watercolors. I just wanted to give you some time to pause and paint and enJOY the process.
Watercolor Tutorial: Three Simple Techniques with Watercolor Pencils
Today, I’m taking a deeper dive and sharing a mini watercolor pencil technique lesson to help familiarize you more with possibilities. You can give this technique a go with any brand of watercolor pencil you have in your stash. I’m using Faber Castell Albrecht Durer pencils in this video.
Whimsical Floral Wreaths: Online Course Now Available!
NEW Online Watercolor Course is LIVE! The painting Whimsical Wreaths course is now available. In this class, you will learn how to paint whimsical floral wreaths to make handmade greeting cards.
Painting with Dr. Ph Martin’s Radiant Watercolors
I’m sharing a little watercolor paint-a-long using Dr. Ph Martin’s Radiant Watercolors in my Bee Paper Company Watercolor Sketchbook. HOLY SMOKES they are BRIGHT. Let’s explore and have fun in your watercolor practice.
Watercolor Florals with Albrecht Durer Watercolor Markers and Pencils
In this video, I’m sharing a watercolor floral paint-a-long that’s mix mashes up some of my favorite watercolor supplies: paint from Daniel Smith, watercolor pencils and watercolor markers from Albrecht Durer.
Washy Watercolor Florals Using a Bee Paper Company Watercolor Journal
In this video, I’m painting washy washy watercolor florals in a Bee Paper Company Watercolor Journal. I am LOVING this new journal find and I’m sharing my thoughts. I’m also using the hand-poured Daniel Smith watercolor palettes and sharing insights.
Craft Your Joy Watercolor Video: Painting a Luminous Flower in Watercolor
I’m super excited to share this fun watercolor paint-a-long video. In this video, I’m painting a gorgeous bloom using watercolor, gouache and iridescent calligraphy colors. Details about my online watercolor classes and email list are below.
Craft Your Joy Watercolor Video: Painting Wildflower Bouquets in Watercolor
Let’s paint some wildflowers and weed, shall we? In this video, I’m painting a bouquet of wildflowers and weeds and sharing tips and tricks along the way. I’m also sharing some details about a new online watercolor course I’ll be launching this month, April 2019.
Color Mixing with Qor Watercolors: Pyrole Red + Sap Green
In this watercolor mixing tutorial, I’m mixing up two colors to create deep brown-red shades for leaves and foliage. Using Qor Watercolor Pyrole Red Light and Sap Green, I’m mix mashing them together to experiment. Not gonna lie, I didn’t love this at first.