ArtyStART Monday: Gouache Girl

Yesterday I shared a new color palette of GOUACHE paint I was patiently 🙂 waiting to dry. After about 30+ hours, well it finally dried to a cake consistency on the palette. Thought I’d start the week off with a little GOUACHE GIRL.  She’s kind of got a superhero girl look about her. Ok… a […]

The Sunday Palette: Waiting, not so patiently, for Gouache to Dry

In purge mode, ripping through my studio space this week (which BTW, you can see some outakes HERE and HERE and HERE) I found my tubes of GOUACHE paint. These yummylicious tubes of watercolor goodness are watercolors that wanna be paint. FLUID like watercolor, but OPAQUE like paint. I’ve got some ideas. I can’t wait […]

Sketchbook Saturday: Finding Quiet

Have a wonderful weekend! This sketch is all about finding quiet. Even if it’s just for a moment of pencil to paper in between phone calls and emails and work and stuff. Enjoy!    

Behind the Cabinets: It Ain’t so Pretty in There. Enter if YOU DARE.

All week I’ve been sharing studio organization SUCCESSES. Well, the creative whirlwind ain’t always so pretty. When, I set out to create a functional space years back, I INSISTED I needed cabinets. That everything would be tidy and stored out of sight and reach. Well… um… that declaration of crazy hasn’t always panned out for […]

It is SO… ON! ITSO Makes My Space Happy.

ITSO Storage… totally made for artists and creatives who don’t like to put things back,  make EPIC MESSES and put off the actual clean up. DING. DING. DING. DING… these were totally made for ME. So, I’m the kind of person who has a lot of ideas and don’t always know where I want to […]

Studio Sneak Peek: Happy Dance Color Cart

Ikea Raskog Cart

This week, I’m sharing some tid bits on how I organize my Studio. My Space. The Color Outside the Lines Spot. Thought it would be fun. Thought we could start an ORGANIZATION Revolution. HA! 🙂 Thought it was time to clean my space, because I couldn’t stand it any longer. The latter statement is more […]

ArtyStART Monday… The Soul of COLOR

Yesterday, I shared this little detail shot of color happiness. I could seriously get lost inside those colors. Could you? The watercolor flowers above are the details from the little garden sHe I whipped up over the weekend. Here’s how it came together. Click on the pics below for a walk through of how this […]

Do you think COLORFUL thoughts?

Little sneak peek for ArtyStART Monday tomorrow. I got a little art time after a full week of nothing but computer, graphic design deadlines, oh… and throw hardware and software upgrades in there for good measure and what you have is a whirlwind of CRAZYSAUCE. I definitely needed a little art break. COLOR. Seriously, it’s […]

Sneaky Peek: Inside the Studio

It’s been a super busy week designing and spending a lot of time on the computer… so by today… I woke up like this. Yep, showered… Hair wet. Back to the computer screen! Which progressed to mid-day like this. Hair pulled back, looks like… well, I have no idea. I’m hitting the punchy wall. And […]