Behind the Cabinets: It Ain’t so Pretty in There. Enter if YOU DARE.

All week I’ve been sharing studio organization SUCCESSES. Well, the creative whirlwind ain’t always so pretty. When, I set out to create a functional space years back, I INSISTED I needed cabinets. That everything would be tidy and stored out of sight and reach. Well… um… that declaration of crazy hasn’t always panned out for […]

It is SO… ON! ITSO Makes My Space Happy.

ITSO Storage… totally made for artists and creatives who don’t like to put things back,  make EPIC MESSES and put off the actual clean up. DING. DING. DING. DING… these were totally made for ME. So, I’m the kind of person who has a lot of ideas and don’t always know where I want to […]

Geekin’ Out with Copic Marker Refills

These are my THREE favorite Copic colors EVER! EVER! EVER!  Do you love your Copics? Ever asked… Do I need the refill? Um… YES? You ask why? I say…because there’s more to the Copic marker then, well, THE MARKER. The stuff inside the barrel is like liquid goodness. Alcohol ink refills in the Copic color […]

ArtyStART Monday: Spectacularific

Whoosh… it’s Monday again! Where does the weekend go… crazysauce, I tell you. This little piece of art I’m sharing today… well… just makes me happy. And, I changed up the quote, cuz I wanted to… And, I want to share it with you. I whipped up this technicolor flutterbie with Copic Markers, colored pencils, […]

Watercolor. Luscious. Lovely. Watercolor.

I LURVE watercolor. It’s so fluid and dreamy and transparent and dreamy. Did I already say dreamy? It let’s you play, can be persnickety, and rarely goes where you want it to go. But, OH! I’m so inspired by the effects. I often find myself pushing other color mediums like oil pastels or colored pencils […]

ArtystART Monday: Road Trips, Hydrangeas and Watercolor

It’s Monday again! Whoosh! Thank you to everyone who stopped by Friday and over the weekend. If you missed the Mixed Up Media Chix post you can check it out here. I’ll pick a random winner tommorow for the Big Honkin’ Box O’ Stamps. How about a little arty Spring, eh? Well, it’s no secret […]

Mixin’ it Up with the Mixed Up Media Chix

So, this crafty girl interwebs friend of mine, Maria Levine started this little Facebook group of Chix to share projects and ideas about ART JOURNALING.  She put a little shout out and I joined in the fun. Today, the Chix are doing a Mixed Media Blog Hop. Lot’s of inspiration goodness along the way. Eye […]

ArtyStART Monday: Takin’ on the Gelli’s

Gelli Printing finished lovelies. Yep, it was kind of addictive. I made these in no time flat. It’s a fun product for monoprinting. So… I picked up one of these awhile back. Intrigued by the possibilities of creating patterned backgrounds on the fly, I thought, hmmm…. why not. So, here’s how it all went down. […]

Found it Friday! What is that? And, why is it in HERE?

On Friday mornings, I try to clean and restore my space from the CHAOS that is this: In fact, this pic is a mild version of what I just put away. To some sort of function that is this: Usually, I’m looking for things I’ve put in the “special place.” You know, the place where […]

Art Supply Geekin’ and the SUNday Palette

THE SUN! I could hardly believe it. Warm sun and a freshly made watercolor palette! Just awesomesauce! PH Martin's Hydrus Watercolors = COLOR LOVE. Quick tutorial on making the palette tomorrow! Have a blissfully blessed, colorful Sunday! What's your favorite color today? Mine…Quinacridone Magenta…say that ten times fast. HA! (It is a shade of PINK […]